Latest Episodes
7. The Spiritual Life That God Approves (John 5:30-44)
How have you been, everyone? I am sure you have had many things happen to you during the past few days as it did...
8. We Must Eat and Drink The Flesh and the Blood Of Jesus with Faith (John 6:31-59)
Jesus blessed the five loaves of barley bread and two fishes that amounts to about one lunch pack and fed 5000 men and more...
9. The Refreshing River of The Holy Spirit Flows in The Hearts of Those Who Have Received Him (John 7:37-53)
Jesus was speaking to the Jews in this Scripture reading at the end of the Feast of the Tabernacles. Since He knew that the...
10. The Grace of Salvation Bestowed on The Woman Who Was Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-12)
Who can receive the grace of the remission of sins before Jesus like this woman? They are those who know full well that they...
11. The Power of the Gospel of The Water and the Spirit (John 8:1-16)
The power of the gospel of the water and the Spirit is truly astonishing. This powerful gospel is the everlasting Truth of the salvation...
12. Jesus Christ Is the Only Savior of Humankind (John 8:21-28)
Today I would like to share the Word of God with you from the Gospel of John chapter 8 verses 21 through 28. The...