Japanese interpreter: “I introduce the pastor who will speak to us today. He is the president of The New Life Mission. His name is Pastor Paul C. Jong, and he has written about fifty books about the Bible. Most of these books have been translated into various languages of the world, and he has now come to Japan to introduce these books to us. I am thankful for this opportunity to share grace with Mr. and Mrs. Kawashima and Mr. and Mrs. Sakamodo. At this time, Pastor Jong will preach a sermon.”
Tonight I will be sharing the Scripture passage from the Book of John chapter 8, verses 31 through 36 with you. In this passage...
Today I would like to share the Word of God with you from the Gospel of John chapter 8 verses 21 through 28. The...
At the wedding reception in Galilee, our Lord performed the miraculous work of turning water into wine. With this miracle our Lord provided all...